Sunday 28 November 2021

Europass. Docs and contest

Video resume:

Tips for Creating a Video Resume

If you're considering creating a video resume as part of your job search, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be professional: Dress as you would for an interview and maintain a professional demeanor. Avoid slang and, of course, cursing. Be cautious when it comes to jokes. What's funny to you may not make others laugh. 
  • Find a good background: Pay attention to the background of shots: make sure it looks tidy and that there are no noises in the background. You'll also want to make sure the lighting is good. A shadow across half of your face can be distracting.  
  • Prepare a script: Don't ad-lib your video. You want to seem natural and off the cuff, but should have a sense of what you want to say and how you want to phrase it. Do not read directly from a script or from your resume, as that leads to a dull video. Think of the video as a pitch for why a particular company should hire you. As such, your main objective should be to express what benefits you'll provide the company, as well as your goals, skills, and accomplishments. 
  • Know your audience: As you plan your script and filming location, consider who will watch the video and calibrate accordingly. For instance, a video prepared for a position at a bank might differ from a video created for a start-up.
  • Show, don't tell: Use visuals to illustrate what you're saying in the video script, ones that showcase your talents and skills. For instance, if you're applying for a job where presentations are a significant part of the role, you can film B-roll of yourself assembling a PowerPoint. If any of your presentations were recorded, use that footage in your video resume.
  • Keep it brief: Videos should be between 30 and 90 seconds. Anything longer than that is unlikely to be watched.
  • Share with friends and family: Getting feedback from others is an important step. Ask a few people to watch your video, and make edits and changes based on their comments. 

Always keep in mind that once your video is on the internet, you no longer have control over who sees it or how it's shared. Take feedback from friends and family seriously. If they think it's a misfire, do not send the video to potential employers. 

Video Resume Don'ts

  • Don't mix your personal life with your professional one. If you have information on your Facebook or Twitter page that you'd prefer employers don't see, don't link your video resume to them.
  • Don't expect your video resume to replace your traditional resume. Not all employers are interested in a video resume, and others are worried about discrimination issues, such as hiring candidates because of how they look and sound rather than their qualifications. However, a well-done video can bolster your candidacy for employment. 

“What does Europass mean to you?"

El nuevo Portal Europass lleva poco más de un año en funcionamiento. Desde el CNE en España somos conscientes del gran valor que esta plataforma tiene para facilitar la movilidad y la empleabilidad de los ciudadanos, especialmente de los jóvenes. Por ello, se pone en marcha una nueva edición de este concurso escolar dirigido a estudiantes de cualquier modalidad educativa, de entre 14 y 18 años, con la finalidad de dar una difusión máxima al Portal Europass entre nuestros estudiantes, para que conozcan por sí mismos todo su potencial y se familiaricen con las herramientas digitales de las cuales se beneficiarán en un futuro a corto plazo.

Cómo participar

La participación en el concurso será de manera individual e implica la realización obligatoria de estas dos tareas:

1. La grabación de un vídeo corto, 30 segundos máximo, en el que se responda a la pregunta: ¿Qué es Europass para ti? / “What does Europass mean to you?”. El vídeo podrá grabarse en español o en inglés y se podrá utilizar, aunque no es obligatorio, algún formato de aplicaciones de redes sociales como TikTok.

2. Registrarse en el Portal Europass y crear un Perfil en uno de los 29 idiomas disponibles.

Para participar en el concurso se enviará un correo electrónico a, con el asunto "Concurso Europass 2021", y con los siguientes documentos:

  • La solicitud de participación (Anexo I).
  • La autorización del padre, madre o representante legal del estudiante, si es menor de 18 años, para el buen uso de la imagen y del vídeo (Anexo II-a) o bien, la autorización del estudiante si ya tiene los 18 años (Anexo II-b).
  • El enlace donde se encuentre alojado el vídeo (Google Drive, Dropbox, YouTube o WeTransfer). NO adjuntar el archivo de vídeo directamente.
  • El enlace al Perfil de su cuenta Europass.

El plazo estará abierto del 23 de noviembre al 17 de diciembre de 2021.


 Bases del concurso

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