European Projects: eTwinning/Erasmus+

EcoConnect Erasmus+ Project:

The global community is confronted with an unparalleled crisis: the climate emergency. Unlike other challenges, this crisis knows no borders or generational divides; it affects all of humanity. Climate change is a pressing issue that doesn’t just impact our future; it’s altering our present and endangering the delicate equilibrium of our planet. Our mission is to equip students with ecological literacy, a vital skillset for understanding and addressing these complex environmental issues. This project is SMART because it has Specific goals focused on ecological education, Measurable outcomes such as ecoliteracy and digital outputs, Achievable through planned activities and collaborations, Relevant to environmental concerns and Sustainable development, and Time-bound with clear deadlines for activities and reporting, ensuring effective implementation and impact.

Our Erasmus+ project is called 

ETwinning acess:

eTwinning  Eurocultural Kaleidoscope 2023-24

Cultural aspects are everywhere. Sharing cultural events is a way of learning from others and enriching ourselves. Introductory activities with students, interaction with presentations and videos will be the core of the this cultural exchange information. Each country presents an agreed, collaborative, remarkable element from their cultural background so that others are able to flexibly duplicate or follow instructions: singing, dancing, cooking, literature and places will be the way of integrating international groups into practical interaction.

A logo proposal:

This is us-Meeting other students

Introductions and students presentations: 

Password: ECK2023

Initial survey:


Hecho con Padlet

The password is : contact



The presence of the European programmes at schools is a key aspect to build up the students´awareness on EU citizenship. 

In which way can these programmes help create a common shared idea of EU?

Working EU aspects within the class, Is it a need or a must? 

Are conflicts (war, economic crisis, rise of extremisms) putting in risk the idea of a true "united in diversity" Europe?

We are currently developing different programmes such as Erasmus+ and eTwinning (recently won the EU prize) and signed the petition /manifiesto for European studies (next year part of the curriculum, possibly in English in our school). 

Mob.3 SWEDEN- Mobility habits report:


Escucha "Europe in Maps. Analysing our context" en Spreaker. 


The clip about Europe and young people will be dubbed cooperatively. First choose the section to record your voice in off. Can´t be repeated so make sure you have your own. 
Read the subtitles as that will be the text for you to read out on the radio next Fri.
Practice makes perfect so, as it is just a short chunk, reading should be rehearsed (volume off).
In groups, the video will be played and your reading recorded to be added to the images so that this speaking activity becomes your own production. The final file will be posted here.
Good luck and try your best.

European Project: IN CC: In Contact, In Culture 



Erasmus+ Activities & workshops

First video-series about mobility in Europe: Poland (Spanish delegation)


Describe and present your daily life to other students.

Record yourself by using and post the link on the Padlet.

Hecho con Padlet

European Project: IN CC: In Contact, In Culture 


The European Heritage Days are the most widely celebrated participatory cultural event shared by the people of Europe. The Council of Europe launched the initiative in 1985. Events – often called Heritage Open Days - are held every year. During this time, doors are opened to numerous monuments and sites for free. 

The aims of the European Heritage Days are to: 
  • raise the awareness of European citizens to the richness and cultural diversity of Europe 
  • counter racism and xenophobia and encourage greater tolerance in Europe and beyond the national borders 
  • inform the public  about the need to protect cultural heritage against threat


In September 2021, visit a cultural site in your area. 
(France: 18-19th / Italy: 25-26th / Sweden: 11-12th / Poland: / Spain: 20-24th )
Write a summary of your visit and add a picture (one page - pdf document)
Upload your production on the Padlet.

  • Visit the opulent Magdalena Palace
  • Discover the Cantabrian Maritime Museum
  • Enjoy the new Centro Botín
  • Learn about the past at the Museum of Prehistory and Archaeology of Cantabria
  • Snap a pic of Santander Cathedral
  • Explore the Magdalena Peninsula
  • Stroll through the Jardines & Paseo de Pereda
  • Admire the views the Faro de Cabo Mayor

Hecho con Padlet

Real Palacio de La Magdelena

Museo Marítimo del Cantábrico

Parque de Mataleñas / Faro Cabo Mayor

Centro Botín

Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo

Biblioteca Central de Cantabria

Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción

Museo de Prehistoria y Arqueología de Cantabria

Museo de Artes Moderno y Contemporáneo de Santander y Cantabria


Interpreting activity:
Audio file1
Audio file2
Audio file3

European Parliament Ambassadors School

The Following words are part of a well-known song by Supertramp: THE LOGICAL SONG. Taken from Supertramps’s 1979 album Breakfast In America, this is one of their best known hits. The song is about a man who is taken away from the unspoilt immediacy of childhood, undergoes education and sees a future prepared for him lacking any spontaneity of reaction. He feels constricted in his freedom of speech, is put under pressure to conform and ends up confused, without a coherent self-image. 

With this vocabulary, we are going to create a common board to reflect about the importance of being socially integrated, accepting the social conventions and following the lines we are given within a group to reach “what it is considered logical”. Choose one of the following definitions/words and TAKE A SELFIE WITH A BOARD/POSTER and post it on the Twinspace uploading the pictures into the MATERIALS/IMAGES/WORD FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION folder and then adding the item with the definition

What's the meaning of ...

(1) acceptable 

(6) responsible

(11) intellectual

(16) dependable

(2) criminal

(7) respectable

(12) presentable

(17) clinical

(3) cynical

(8) radical

(13) sensible

(4) simple

(9) liberal

(14) logical

(5) absurd

(10) fanatical

(15) practical

·         having an awareness or understanding of a situation

·         favourable to progress or reform, as in political or religious affairs

·         extremely objective and realistic; dispassionately analytic; unemotionally critical

·         satisfactory and able to be agreed to or approved of

·         not elaborate or artificial; plain

·         looking suitable or good enough, especially in the way you are dressed

·         considered to be socially acceptable because of your good character, appearance or behaviour

·         guided or developed by or relying on the intellect rather than upon emotions or feelings; rational

·         distrustful of human sincerity or integrity. Also, contemptuous, or pessimistic

·         ridiculous or unreasonable; foolish in an amusing way; utterly or obviously senseless, illogical, or untrue; contrary to all reason or common sense; laughably foolish or false

·         believing or expressing the belief that there should be great or extreme social or political change

·         reasoning in accordance with the principles of logic, as a person or the mind; reasonable; to be expected

·         very bad or morally wrong

·         motivated or characterized by an extreme, uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics

·         relating to experience, reality or action rather than ideas or imagination

·         having good judgment and the ability to act correctly and make decisions on your own

·         capable of being depended on; worthy of trust; reliable


Every EU country is a democracy, where rights are important. The European Union does not only work together in areas like the economy, security and the environment, but devotes considerable attention to upholding these values both within Europe’s borders and beyond. If a country wants to become a member of the EU, they also have to respect these values and implement them in their own country. Of course this applies to all of the countries that are already a member of the EU.

European values: Freedom & Equality 

All European citizens are free to travel, work and live anywhere in the EU. You are also free to say what you want, think or feel as long as you do not restrict other people’s freedom by discriminating against them. 

  • Would you want to live in a country where your religion, opinion or sexual orientation was discriminated against?

The Netherlands is the only country in the EU with bars where you can buy soft drugs legally, (‘coffee shops’). The other countries think this is a bad idea, but the EU has no say in this. Since 2005 in Spain men can get married to men and women to women. This is called a same-sex marriage. This regulation is not European law. The EU is of the opinion that every country should decide such matters for themselves.  

  • Would you want the EU to have a say on gender equality policy or not? Explain your view.

Everyone is different: in their language, culture, religion, appearance, opinion and origins. We want these differences to be respected within the European Union so that we can live, learn and work side by side, just like we do in school. We want to live in a society where there is mutual respect, where there is no discrimination and where everyone has the same opportunities. The European Treaty for Human Rights states that every EU citizen has equal rights. Which means that policemen, lawyers, teachers, farmers, carpenters, job seekers, or disabled people, in short all European citizens, must be treated equally. 

  • Do you think that everyone in Spain has the same rights? Give an example if you agree or disagree. 

You can regard Europe as one big society where countries and citizens, wherever they come from, try to respect the values of freedom, religion, equality, solidarity and democracy. 

  • Do you think this is possible or impossible? Explain why.

Uncomfortable shoes
Description of Activity
If you were in my shoes…The expression doesn't really mean we need to try on other people's shoes to find out how it feels to be them. It means that if you can imagine how it feels to be someone else in a particular situation, you can understand the situation better.
In this collaborative video, we are going to stand in the shoes of some other people, and see if it helps us imagine how those people might feel, stressing the inclusion and diversity aspects, the importance of tolerance and respect with everybody´s ideas. I our lives, we´ll find many occasions in which we´ll have to face different problems looking at them from different sides.
All the ideas, all the opinions are respectful as long as they are based on tolerance. We want to raise awareness, standing on somebody´s else shoes and recognising the feelings which can be different from your own. These “uncomfortable shoes” will make us think about diversity and respect with a metaphor: a shoe shop to try different shoes to understand other people.
You might think to "switch shoes" and consider the situation from other people's perspective. After reflection standing in the different shoes, we´´ discuss and express what it feels like, what you may need and what you think of the situation.
There´s nothing better for respect than “breaking through to the other side…” The important thing is not to become “the other but to understand him/her). The uncomfortable thing is not standing in different shoes but having just one single point of view.
The goal of this activity is to help the students to see how any situation can have multiple perspectives, and that our feelings toward someone and his/her situation can change when we take the time to step into their shoes. Another goal is to experience that when they take the time to know what another person might be feeling and needing, they are more likely and better able to care about their needs and feelings, to treat them with greater respect, and to act on their behalf.
First, think about possible uncomfortable shoes (contrasted opinions or situations you may think of) you think might be displayed (ex. Understanding non-believers/agnostic by a priest, progress ideas or new cultures by conservative people, oppressed women, radicals, poor people, etc.)
Then, add new ideas to this site (add button-indicating your name)
Finally, record your scene (write the script first and have it checked by the teacher- avoid repeating situations) and submit the short video to be assembled and create a collaborative video with many different perspectives. Deadline: Feb 15th.
Then, you can send your files to your teacher´s mail or simply the link or QR using an online app such as VOCAROO. Check these links:
Deadline before the DEC break: 6th DEC 19

For the final steps of this section, we´ll use the web and the tools to create live discussions on the topics you´ve worked on. Log in/register on VOICETHREAT:COM and you will be able to post your comments on the images that your mates have created. This is a speaking activity so be careful with the pronunciation and try tio be short, concise (no more than 1m). You´ll have to include at least 9 comments on the slides of the projects which have been shared with you. You can check how the tool works simply watching this short tutorial:  Good luck and try to do your best to comment on the pictures which have been created. GIVE VOICE to your photos...PHOTOVOICE.

Resuming classes. Back to work. Happy New 2020.
Hi everyone. Hope you are all fine and full of beans after the Xmas break. We are starting with the energizer about the next topic to picture and give voice.
Access the link and add your ideas in Tridicer: You can also express your pros and cons and vote for the best option. A collaborative, interactive way to decide about your next topics. Soon we´ll organise another online meeting to discuss about it.
What would you like to reflect and think about with your images? The most popular (and voted) option will become our next topic for the project. Have your say and make your pictures talk... Give voice to your photos...

Hecho con Padlet



  "Photovoice, a picture that catches your eye".
Students at 4th ESO with Javier Martínez.
 ▶️ Grupo 1   ▶️ Grupo 2    ▶️ Grupo 3    ▶️ Grupo 4


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