Tuesday 2 March 2010

Reading: Texts & videos


1. Only 7% are ____________ at a secondary level (TRAINED, TAUGHT)
2. 13% _____________ different other religions (BELIEVE, PARTICIPATE)
3. 6% of _________ own 59% of wealth in the world (INDIVIDUALS, PERSONS)
4. Catholics, protestants, orthodox and Anglicans are all __________ and make up 33% of the religious people in the world. (MOST PRACTICED RELIGION)
5. The less populated continent is _________ (ALSO KNOWN AS AUSTRALIA)
6. Only 12% have a ___________ (ELECTRONIC MACHINE FOR INFORMATION)
7. Those who practice the world’s second-largest religion are _______ (ISLAM)
8. Less than half of the population live in an urban ________(ZONE)
9. 1% of ___________ (GROWN-UPS) in the world suffer AIDS
10. Half of the population in the world are _____ (MALE)
11. 18% live without an improved _________ source (LIQUID TO DRINK)
12. 6 out of 100 believe in Buddha. They are ___________
13. Still 14% can’t __________(UNDERSTAND WHAT’S WRITTEN)
14. 43% of people live without basic _________(SEWAGE AND WATER SUPPLY)
15. 13 % of children are _________(IN NEED OF FOOD) or malnourished.
16. Just 3% have an Internet ___________ (ACCESS, LINK)
17. (PEOPLE IN EUROPE)__________ make up just 12% of the population.
18. Most of the people practising a set of religious, philosophical and cultural systems that originated in the Indian subcontinent are called ____________
19. The 9% of people in the world who are physically-challenged ____________
20. If you __________ (OWN, POSSESS) a bed to sleep in and a roof over your head, you are _______(WEALTHIER) than 75% of the entire world population.

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