Thursday 16 May 2024

Discoursive essays. For/Against/Pros/Cons Writing

An essay

For and against essay topics

  1. Having a role model can affect someone negatively.
  2. Should dyed hairstyles be allowed in school?
  3. Can a bad upbringing be an excuse for a felony?
  4. Social media – a blessing or a curse?
  5. It’s possible to learn to love somebody.
  6. You don’t need a college degree to be successful.
  7. Your past does not define you.
  8. Does watching fantasy films affect our perception of reality?
  9. Should there be a mandatory number of trees per square kilometer?
  10. Should people older than 65 be able to be politicians?
  11. Should healthcare be state-owned or privatized?
  12. Is immortality a blessing or a curse?
  13. Is the sous-vide method of preparing meals worth trying?
  14. Should self-driving cars be illegal?
  15. Should sharing hoaxes and false information on the Internet be severely punished?
  16. Should students do a part-time job while they are still studying?
  17. Sessions with a therapist should be mandatory for kids and teens
  18. Every country in the world should ban cigarettes.
  19. Every country in the world should stop producing and selling plastic bags and bottles.
  20. Field trips to prisons should be mandatory to help lower the crime rate.
  21. Scientists should pair people up for marriage based on DNA.
  22. A new universal language should be taught in every school.
  23. Should universities be apolitical?
  24. Do orphans have the same opportunities to be successful as children from complete families?
  25. Should the state have more control over our privacy?


Paragraph 1: state topic (summary of the topic without giving your opinion)

Main Body

Paragraph 2: arguments for & justifi¬cations, examples, and/ or reasons

Paragraph 3: arguments against & justification, examples, and/or reasons


Final Paragraph: balanced consideration/ your opinion directly or indirectly


Useful expressions and linking words/phrases
• To list points:
Firstly, First of all, In the first place, To begin/start with, Secondly, Thirdly, Finally
• To list advantages:
One/Another/A further/An additional (major) advantage of… is … The main/greatest/first advantage of… is …
• To list disadvantages:
One/Another/ A further/An additional (major) disadvantage/drawback of. The main/greatest/most serious/first disadvantage /drawback of… Another negative aspect of…
• To introduce points/arguments for or against:
One (very convincing) point/argument in favour of… / against, 
A further common criticism of… / It could be argued that…..
often claimed/suggested
It is widely argued maintained that…..
generally felt/believed/held
Some/many/most people/experts/scientist/skeptics/critics
claim/suggest/argue/feel that…
maintain/believe/point out/agree/hold that…
advocate (+ing/noun)/support the view that…
oppose the view that…
are in favour of/against…
are of the opinion that/convinced that…
are opposed to…

• To add more points to the same topic:
in addition (to this), furthermore, moreover, besides, apart from, what is more, as well as, not to mention (the fact) that, also, not only … but also/as well, both … and, There is another side to the issue/question/argument of…

• To make contrasting points:
on the other hand, however, still, yet, but, nonetheless, nevertheless, even so,
it may be said/argued/claimed that,…
others/many people oppose this viewpoint/strongly disagree…, claim/feel/believe this argument is incorrect/misguided
although, though, even though, while, whilst, whereas, despite/in spite of (the fact that), regardless of the fact that
Opponents of … argue/believe/claim that…
The fact that… contradicts the belief/idea that…
While it is true to say that…, in fact…
While/Although …, it cannot be denied that…

Useful expressions and linking words/phrases

• To introduce examples:
for example, for instance, such as, like, in particular, particularly, especially, This is (clearly) illustrated/shown by the fact that… One/A clear/striking/ typical example of (this)… The fact that…. shows/illustrates that…
• To emphasise a point:
clearly, obviously, it is obvious, naturally, of course, needless to say, indeed
• To express reality:
In fact, the fact (of the matter) is, actually, in practice, it is a fact that, in effect
• To make general statements:
as a (general) rule, generally, in general, on the whole, by and large, in most cases
• To make partially correct statements:
to a certain extent/degree, to some extent/degree, in a way/sense, this is partly true (but), to a limited extent, there is some truth in (this), in some cases, up to a point
• To explain/clarify a point:
in other words, that is to say, this/which means that
• To express cause: 
owing to, due to (the fact that), on account of, on the grounds that, given that, because, as, since
• To express effect: 
therefore, thus, as a result/consequence, consequently, so, for this reason, if… were to happen, … the effect/result would be…
• To express intention: 
to, so as to, in order to, so that, with the intention of (+ing)

One/A clear/striking/ typical example of (this)… The fact that…. shows/illustrates that…
• To emphasise a point:
clearly, obviously, it is obvious, naturally, of course, needless to say, indeed
• To express reality:
In fact, the fact (of the matter) is, actually, in practice, it is a fact that, in effect
• To make general statements:
as a (general) rule, generally, in general, on the whole, by and large, in most cases
• To make partially correct statements:
to a certain extent/degree, to some extent/degree, in a way/sense, this is partly true (but), to a limited extent, there is some truth in (this), in some cases, up to a point
• To explain/clarify a point:
in other words, that is to say, this/which means that
• To express cause: 
owing to, due to (the fact that), on account of, on the grounds that, given that, because, as, since
• To express effect: 
therefore, thus, as a result/consequence, consequently, so, for this reason, if… were to happen, … the effect/result would be…
• To express intention: 
to, so as to, in order to, so that, with the intention of (+ing)

Conclusion expressing balanced considerations/opinion indirectly

In conclusion,
On balance,
All things considered,
Taking everything into account/consideration,
To conclude,
To sum up,
All in all,
- it can be said/claimed that …
- it seems/appears that…
- it would seem that…
-it is likely/unlikely/possible/foreseeable that …
- it is clear/obvious that…
-. there is no/little doubt that …
- it is true to say that …
- although it must be said that …
- it may be concluded/said that 


1.1 For the great majority of people ______________________________________________________. 
A problem that is often debated nowadays ________________________________________________. 
Who cares about ____________________________________________________________________? 
1.2 It is a well-known fact that _______________________________________________________. 
Besides, recent studies show there are ______________________________________________. 
1.3There are reasons to believe that ______________________________________________. 
Therefore, ___________________________________________________________________.

2.1 A lot of people claim that __________________________________________________   
2.2 What is more, ____________________________________________________________
For example, ________________________________________________________________. 
2.3-While/Although______________________________ it cannot be denied that_____________
Another point worth considering has to do with ____________________________________

3.1 In contrast to this idea, ____________________________________________________________, so it is not easy to ___________________________________________. Whereas, in comparison, ___________________________________________. 
3.2However, we should also consider___________________________________. On the other hand, __________________
2.3 Therefore, it is reasonable to think that _______________________________________.

4.1 This bring us the question whether ___________________________________________________, it is highly probable __________________________________________________. 
4.2 In my opinion, _________________________________________________________ From my point of view, ______________________________________. Maybe in the future _____________________



Animal testing and Zoos

Impact of mass tourism

Mass tourism means that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of tourists who will descend onto a variety of tourist resorts each year.

In the UK, tourism makes up nearly 10% of the total GDP which means that tourism has cultural, economic and environmental impacts.

Pros and cons of tourism in the Serengeti

Cultural impacts

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