Wednesday 3 May 2023

EU Democracy

This Infoclip illustrates European fundamental rights (freedom of press and media, independence of justice, reception of migrants) and European democracy (European elections, MEPs voting in plenary sessions, the Conference on the Future of Europe).

In a healthy and thriving democracy, citizens can freely express their views, choose their political leaders, and have a say about their future.

Democracy in the EU faces challenges from rising extremism, election interference, the spread of manipulative information and threats against journalists.

Citizens should be able to make electoral choices in a public space where different views can be expressed freely. Free media, academia and civil society should be able to play their role in stimulating open debate, free from malign interference, either foreign or domestic.

What is the European Democracy Action plan?

The European Democracy Action Plan is designed to empower citizens and build more resilient democracies across the EU by

  • promoting free and fair elections
  • strengthening media freedom
  • countering disinformation

These measures will be implemented throughout this Commission’s mandate. In 2023, a year ahead of the next European elections, the Commission will review the implementation of the action plan.

Protecting free and fair elections

Safeguarding our European democracy requires more determined action to protect electoral processes. This means keeping elections free and fair, preserving open democratic debate, and updating digital safeguards.

Media freedom and pluralism

The European Media Freedom Act will ensure that media – public and private – can operate more easily across borders in the EU internal market, without undue pressure. It also takes the digital transformation of the media space into account.Strategic lawsuits against public participation are a particular form of harassment used primarily against journalists and human rights defenders to prevent or penalise speaking up on issues of public interest.

Countering disinformation

Democracies around the world are facing a proliferation of false information, which may have the potential to destabilise their democratic institutions, and undermine the trust of citizens. To address misinformation, disinformation and foreign interference, different policy responses are required. The European Democracy Action Plan sets out a comprehensive response, building on existing EU work and firmly rooted in European values and principles. It safeguards the freedom of expression and people’s right to access legal content.

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