Monday 7 December 2020

Games: Speaking practice: NEVER HAVE I EVER

 Speaking practice:

Thanks for sharing:
Based on

School Days

  1. Never have I ever been sent to the principle's office.
  2. Never have I ever copied from someone else's paper.
  3. Never have I ever used the excuse, "My dog ate my homework."
  4. Never have I ever fallen asleep in class.
  5. Never have I ever written my parent's signature on something.
  6. Never have I ever written a note to someone I liked.
  7. Never have I ever tried to change a grade on a report card.
  8. Never have I ever gotten into a fight at school.
  9. Never have I ever lied to a teacher.
  10. Never have I ever cheated on a test.
  11. Never have I ever skipped class.
  12. Never have I ever been a teacher's pet.

Funny Facts

  1. Never have I ever played video games for more than 2 hours in a day.
  2. Never have I ever stuck my finger in a birthday cake.
  3. Never have I ever eaten cold pizza.
  4. Never have I ever tried cutting my own hair.
  5. Never have I ever eaten raw cookie/cake dough.
  6. Never have I ever had sushi.
  7. Never have I ever accidentally put clothes on backwards and not noticed.
  8. Never have I ever accidentally worn shoes on the wrong feet without noticing.
  9. Never have I ever made a prank phone call.
  10. Never have I ever spun around so much that I threw up.

Family Life

  1. Never have I ever lied about doing my chores.
  2. Never have I ever put stuff under my bed or in my closet and pretended I cleaned my room.
  3. Never have I ever fed the dog under the table.
  4. Never have I ever been embarrassed by my parents.
  5. Never have I ever played a prank on my brother or sister while they were sleeping.
  6. Never have I ever watched something on TV that I knew I wasn't allowed to.
  7. Never have I ever hid something under my mattress.
  8. Never have I ever paid my brother or sister to do my chores for me.
  9. Never have I ever stayed up all night.
  10. Never have I ever found Christmas presents before Christmas.
  11. Never have I ever eavesdropped on my parents arguments.
  12. Never have I ever gone to bed without brushing my teeth.
  13. Never have I ever gotten something I didn't want for Christmas, but pretended to be happy.
  14. Never have I ever drew a mustache on my brother or sister while they slept.
  15. Never have I ever slept in til after noon during summer break.
  16. Never have I ever locked myself out/left the keys of the house on accident

That's Gross!

  1. Never have I ever picked my nose and ate it.
  2. Never have I ever ate food that had fallen on the floor.
  3. Never have I ever used someone else's toothbrush.
  4. Never have I ever thrown up on someone.
  5. Never have I ever wet the bed at someone else's house.
  6. Never have I ever taken things from a trash can.
  7. Never have I ever walked in on someone in the bathroom.
  8. Never have I ever licked someone's food.
  9. Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet.
  10. Never have I ever eaten something that was expired.
  11. Never have I ever eaten a bug.
  12. Never have I ever farted in the car/elevator.
  13. Never have I ever spit in someone's drink.
  14. Never have I ever touched a worm.
  15. Never have I ever let a dog lick my face.
  16. Never have I ever found someone else's hair in my food and continued eating.

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