Wednesday 29 January 2020

Wrting about travellIng and modals

Sample essays:

Currently, travelling has become much easier than in the past. People are travelling from one place to another place due to a variety of factors such as globalisation. Travelling makes us learn about various cultures and it helps in promoting the travel industry.
Globalisation is one of the main reasons for the increase in travelling. Nowadays, people are travelling for several reasons, such as education, business and recreation. Globalisation has opened up the boundaries of the countries and provided ample opportunities. It is through globalisation that we are now able to expand our scopes of horizon across other nations. For instance, it is seen that students are applying to international colleges for further studies, this is mainly because of globalisation and it is noticed that there are more students enrolling for international studies than in the past.
There are many benefits that we get while travelling. One of the merits is that we learn about many different cultures and this actually assists us in making our bonds with other nations stronger. We also learn to respect the culture and values of other nations. As a result, it opens up the scope for any kind of support from the international countries. Furthermore, travelling has an impact on the growth of the travel industry. The travel industry is one of the major contributors of the GDP for many countries and regions, such as Singapore, Malaysia and the Middle East. Besides, it creates many employment opportunities for the people, thus improving the lifestyle of the country.
In conclusion, globalisation is one of the major reasons for the increase in travelling. From my point of view, travelling provides understanding the culture of many countries and it also increases the growth of the travel industry.

Travelling in group with a tour guide is the best way to travel.
Nowadays, people have their own preferences about how to travel. Some people prefer to travel alone while others prefer to travel in groups with tour guide. I agree that it is the greatest way to travel as a group with a tour guide for several reasons.
First, a tour guide will let people know about the places they will visit and show the best places. Tour guides are specially trained about the local history and significance of all the places at the region. In many occasions, people travelling alone do not know the places to visit and so waste a lot of time trying to find something valuable to see. In addition, tour guides know things about a certain place that are not generally mentioned in books or brochures. Thus, guided tours are the best way in terms of sightseeing in a short time.
Second, travelling in a group can ensure safety. Many parts of the world are quite dangerous to travel alone. There are often people with evil intention waiting to do harm to tourists. For example, when one of my friends once backpacked across Europe by herself, she got in trouble because a homeless person took her passport and wallet. She had to call the embassy and deal with the situation. In the end she was not able to finish her trip, which could have been a once in a lifetime opportunity for her to spend such quality time with herself. When travelling with tour guides, they can protect their group members from this kind of dangerous situation.
In conclusion, although some people might agree that travelling as a group with a tour guide is not the best idea, I strongly agree with the idea that travelling in the group with the guide is the best decision in terms of great information and safety.
Is it better to go on holiday with family, friends, or alone?
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There are very few people in the world who do not like going on holiday. Almost everybody likes to relax, to visit new places and see new things. Holidays are obviously great ways to do this but, before booking a trip, we all have to decide with whom to travel – is it better with family, with friends, or alone?
Holidays with family can be hard work and there can be many arguments. One friend told me that both she and her sister were in tears after arguing on holiday … before their flight had even taken off. Not everybody in the family wants to do the same things. In my own family, Dad always wants to go to a museum, Mum and sister want to shop, and I want to go to a coffee shop. Alone. The majority rules and we end up shopping. Travelling with family can be very cheap or even free, though, if parents pay.
Holidays with friends are not usually as cheap but money always plays an important role. It is normal for everyone to have different budgets and there needs to be a lot of compromise, from where you stay to where you eat. This inevitably causes problems. Nonetheless, travelling with friends can be incredible fun. When on holiday with friends you do different things than you do with family. It is also good for learning more about your friends, and sharing experiences together. Even though we spend a lot of time with our friends, travelling with them is different and a way to strengthen a friendship.
When choosing with whom to travel, there is another option: alone. Travelling alone has advantages over travelling with other people. For example, you do not have to compromise on money issues. You can choose what you want to do and it can also be a good opportunity to meet new people, especially when staying in hostels. Of course, travelling alone is not always good. It can be lonely and, sometimes, dull with no one to talk to. And, when at the bus station or airport, there is nobody to look after your suitcase when you want to go to the bathroom.
Personally, I prefer travelling alone because there are fewer arguments. Of course, sometimes I like holidays with other people. That way, there is always someone to talk to.

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