Monday 25 November 2019

Thanksgiving. American traditions (a webquest)

Activity 1: The history of the Thanksgiving celebration

Visit: and read the introduction and first seven paragraphs. In pairs or small groups, look for the answers to these questions.
1. When did the Pilgrims leave England for the New World?
2. Why was their first winter in the New World difficult?
3. Who helped them and how?
4. Why did the Pilgrims have a feast in autumn, 1621?
5. Who did they invite to the feast?
6. What did they eat at the feast?
7. When is Thanksgiving celebrated?

Activity 2: A traditional Thanksgiving meal

Visit: Read the descriptions of typical Thanksgiving dishes and find the answers to these questions. Discuss the answers with your partner.
1. Which dish with an exotic background got a sweet addition in the twentieth century?
2. Which sweet nut dish has ancient origins?
3. Which food helped make a brand of soup more popular?
4. Which food is made from different ingredients, depending on the origins of the people cooking it?
5. Which food is very good for you and can be stored for a long period?
6. Which food made one woman very rich?
7. Which food got its name by mistake?
8. Which food probably wasn’t eaten at the first Thanksgiving meal because of lack of technology?

Activity 3: Thanksgiving traditions

You are going to read about some typical traditions in North America at Thanksgiving. Before you read the information on the website, decide whether you think the statements below are true (T) or false (F).
1. Many people watch tennis at Thanksgiving every year.
2. Shops often sponsored Thanksgiving parades.
3. Washing neighbours’ cars is the most popular way to help others in the community at Thanksgiving.
4. The White House is given three turkeys each Thanksgiving – two are dead and one is pardoned and not cooked.
5. The turkey that is kept is given a name chosen by the president’s family.
6. The president announces the official date of Thanksgiving every year.

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