Wednesday 25 April 2018

Time to think over and clarifying concepts. Listening skills


  1. Fascism seeks to prevail individual rights
  2. Fascism is usually a centralised, autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader without opposition.
  3. Compared to Socialism, property and market relations are controlled by government.
  4. Democarcy was first originated in the III century with the Greeks.
  5. Fascism is a relative new concept compared to democracy
  6. In reality, there are only 4 non democratic countries in the world
  7. USA is a republic with a representative democracy.
  8. Many Americans feel that USA democracy is threatened at the moment.
  1. Who turned Italy into Fascism in 1922?
  2. Which groups could not take part in Greek democracy?
  3. When did Finland abolish race & gender requirements for voting?
  4. Which two countries are mentioned to have had fascists groups in the past?
  5. Why is D. Trump compared to fascist leaders?
  6. How can USA citizens "have a say" in the government?

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