Saturday 3 February 2018

QR Project

QR Code generator

Design, manage and track i QR Codes with custom colors and logos. Make your project interactive, trackable using mobile, social & locally.  Create your smart QR Codes 
1.- Create a PERSONAL card with the basic information. Generate the code and save the image to paste and later print or submit to the teacher.
Last name, Email, Website, Address, ZIP Code, City, Country, Title (NAME OF THE PROJECT_COUNTRY), Company (IES LEONARDO TORRES QUEVEDO (SANTANDER), Note (Ev.)

2.- Choose a coutry to work with
You will have to select the basic information or what you consider worth pointing out (food, famous landmarks, people, sports, stereotypes,etc.) Create your own script about that place and then record your own audio file)

The Union reached its current size of 28 member countries  on 1 July 2013. The 28 member countries of the EU

3.- Record your " speaking file" using VOCAROO site. Remember you have to grant access and save your recording to be kept in time. However, once done, you will get a QR code to be saved and printed in your answer sheet. That image should directly take you to listening your info about the coutry selected for the project. Check the FAQ section:

4.- Now, use UNITAG  web tool again to create 3 TEXT QUESTIONS about the information provided in your speaking. Create a QR and paste it on the answer sheet with the rest of the tasks.
5.- Finally, print your answers  and send the answer sheet to your teacher ( in just one single paper to be handed in before the project deadline, March 1st 2018.Then, use a QR reader to answer all the questions of the activity (class gymkana).

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