- - Main activities speaking, speculating and storytelling
- Suitable for teens and adults, upper-intermediate (B2) and above
- A Christmas lesson plan Teacher’s Notes (pdf)
- with 2 videos: BBC One Christmas 2017 | The Supporting Act
and John Lewis Christmas Ad 2017 - #MozTheMonster
"The Teacher’s Notes contain everything you need for class, but if you’d rather display the images using Powerpoint, click here."
(allatc.wordpress.com) - Paddington and The Christmas Visitor - Niveau 5ème
- Lesson plan created by Isabelle Boresy (Ac. Amiens) -
Paddington and The Christmas Visitor
01. Diaporama correction (pptx)
02. Observation quiz (pptx)
03. Grammar spot (pptx)
04. Marmalade recipes (pptx)
Marmalade recipes (pdf)
Paddington Christmas advert worksheet (pdf)
Worksheet version modulable (docx)
- Buster the Boxer - a lesson plan
"This ELT lesson plan is designed around a short advert commissioned by John Lewis, and the theme of animals and Christmas.
In the lesson students revise animal vocabulary, watch a short film, predict the end of a story and speak about Christmas and Christmas traditions."
Time: 90 minutes
Christmas cards show nativity in war zone (December 01, 2016) - a lesson plan with AUDIO
- "A charity has released a series of Christmas cards with a difference. They have traditional Christmas scenes from the Holy Land but they also contain images of war."Try the same news story at these easier levels: Level 0, Level 1 or Level 2
- School says Hello Kitty Christmas tree can stay (December 25, 2015) - a lesson plan with AUDIO
"A maths teacher at a high school in Maine, USA has been allowed to keep her pink Hello Kitty Christmas tree in her classroom."
- The Man on the Moon - a lesson
"This EFL lesson plan is designed around a short film commissioned by the British department store John Lewis, directed by Some Such and the theme of Christmas. Students watch a short film, predict a story and talk about ways of showing people they are loved."
Time: 60 minutes
- Christmas Lesson Plans
(supersimplelearning.com) - A Christmas Carol - a lesson
"In this lesson students read an extract from 'A Christmas Carol' and examine the characters in the text.
They then discuss the theme of festivals as preparation for a writing task on the same topic."
Timing: 90 minutes (plus homework)
- To develop students’ ability to understand detail.
- To encourage students to appreciate characterisation in a piece of creative writing.
- For students to reveal character in their own pieces of writing.
(teachingenglish.org.uk) - A Christmas lesson
"This lesson uses the theme of Christmas to develop learners' vocabulary. It includes an introductory song, a focus on clothes words,
a review of question and short answer forms using 'has got', and a labelling and colouring activity.
There are suggestions for some other follow up Christmas activities."
- Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus
"An interactive multimedia listening and reading lesson on the famous editorial published in The Sun in 1897.
Virginia, 8 years-old, wants to know if there is a Santa Claus...
- Researchers work out Santa Claus' salary (December 13, 2014) - a lesson plan with AUDIO
"People have wondered for years what Santa does and how he does it for free.
Researchers have now come up with an answer to these age-old questions."
- Christmas for very young learners - a lesson plan
"In this lesson, children practise Christmas words with flashcard activities and games.
They listen to and sing a Christmas song, then they make a Christmas card."
- Christmas presents and decorations - a lesson plan
"In this lesson children practise Christmas words with flashcards and online games.
They make a Christmas craft, and enjoy a Christmas song or story."
(teachingenglish.org.uk) - Santa makes changes for reindeer and elves (December 25) - a lesson plan with AUDIO
"Santa Claus has decided to get with the times and make several key changes to how he operates..."
- ESL Christmas Lesson (elcivics.com)
- Earliest recordings of family Christmas found (December 21, 2012) - a lesson plan with AUDIO
"The National Museum of London has uncovered what it says is the first ever recording of a family Christmas, dating back 110 years.
It is of the 1902 family get-together of the Wall family from North London."
- Christmas Lessons, Songs, Worksheets and Teaching Resources (esolcourses.com)
- 100 Questions for Santa Xmas Lesson (breakingnewsenglish.com)
- "White Christmas" musical lesson
"This lesson is based on a special mp3 mix [5 Mo- 5’25"] of 9 different interpretations of the same song "White Christmas "
(Irving Berlin 1942) by various artists, of various epoques and various styles..."
- Is there a Santa Claus ?
Séquence de niveau B1+/B2 de CO et CE : tâche finale d'EE: produire une version moderne et adaptée d'un document authentique
à forte charge culturelle
(Laurence Bernard - Ac. Martinique)
- BBC Learning English "has a brand new collection of Christmas EFL resources which is being updated every weekday in the run-up to Christmas."
- Calendar 2008
- Advent Calendar
- 12 Days of Christmas
- Downloadable Gifts
- Santa's Sack
- Pantomime
- Joy of Giving - lesson plans
"The Season of Giving: Teach about the true meaning of the season: emphasize the giving, not the getting."
(Education World)
(Breaking News English) - Merry Christmas Around the World - a lesson plan with a bulletin board
(Education World)
- Santa Claus Around the World
"Even though your English language learners may not celebrate Christmas, they are fascinated by the many Santa Claus legends.
This lesson explores the different gift-giving customs around the world."
(everythingesl.net) - Christmas around the world
Aim : To practise the passive in the context of Christmas and/or other cultural celebrations.
Activity : Students identify the passive in a text and rewrite in active voice, then have a class discussion.
Organization : Pair or group work and whole class
(eslbase.com) - Christmas Day - a lesson (dailyesl.com)
- Production écrite en classe de sixième - Projet pédagogique : le conte et ses personnages
"Monica Curnelle, professeur d'anglais au Collège Gaston Domergue à Sommières dans le Gard vous présente un projet pédagogique complet, menée en interdisciplinarité avec le professeur de français. Le projet s'inscrit sur plusieurs séquences permet d'aborder plusieurs aspects linguistiques et culturels...
Les élèves abordent Halloween et Christmas en passant par le Gingerbread Man, Shrek et le film The Nightmare before Christmas de
Tim Burton avant d'écrire et illuster leur propres contes en anglais et fabriquer, et déguster, des Gingerbread Men!"
(Ac. Montpellier)
- The World's Best Santa - Elementary Instant Lesson - Inscription gratuite (english-to-go.com)
- Topic-based Worksheets : Christmas
- Christmas Around the World
"A world of activities and Internet sites focused on the traditions and spirit of Christmas!"
- Lesson plans - Lots of ideas and activities
- Christmas at the North Pole - Lots of activities
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